Saturday, September 3, 2011

5 cm

Well, we found out around 3:00 pm today that our birth mom had been at the hospital for a couple hours. There were unsure of whether or not they would admit her because her contractions were not regular enough. We would be called once they knew if she was staying or not. At 5:30 we found out they are sending her home. Are you serious!? This is driving me crazy.

So she is home and walking. Hopefully. :) So we are making the best of our time and having our hot date we hadn't got around to having. We hope our fancy dinner gets interrupted with an invite to the hospital. Adoption is just different than delivering. We not only have to wait for her to go, but we have to be invited to be there. We have to be wanted. We just continue to pray that we will be wanted because we so badly want to be involved.

We just can't wait. Tonight? Tomorrow? Soon!


  1. It will happen. I promise! The wait is miserable for everything, though.

    With Keandre, we had bags packed and by the door for 3 weeks, ready to drive to NV at a moment's notice. It was miserable. Finally his bmom was 2 weeks overdue and was induced. Good thing. I couldn't handle much more.

    He was worth the wait. :)

  2. LOL I meant that the wait is miserable for *everyone*, not everything.
