That couple below us are our amazing friends, Whit and Ally. We met them in our classes through the agency. They are matched too and their baby girl is due August 13th- that's 2 days after our baby girl is due. God, again, is faithful and good. I just wanted to share what may seem like a small victory to any ordinary person, but to someone going through this adoption process it's huge: today we have red letters on our faces.

Family 512 - Cameron and Kim
Thank you for taking some time to read about us and get to know us a little bit. We have been praying for you and your baby for months now. We hope the Lord is guiding you during this time and we look forward to hopefully spending time with you in the future... (read more)

Family 514 - Whit and Allyson
Hello! We are so thankful that you are taking some time to get to know a little bit about us and we are excited to begin this amazing journey with you! We are Whit and Allyson and can't wait to grow our family through adoption... (read more)
It's such an amazing feeling to have MATCHED across our faces! Now I can't wait until our pictures are completely removed from their website because that will mean we are home with our little pumpkins!