November... hmmmmm......
I don't feel like there is a lot to note about the month of November for us. These few pictures are the only ones I really have. I'm even trying to remember what happened in that month that would be blog-worthy and I'm coming up short. My best guess is that I blocked it from my memory. There really were some rough times I've mentioned. There weren't a lot of picture taking moments I was willing to see... of course they were cute and all, but it was pretty stressful around our casa.
Lucy's hair was in full-effect. Big and unruly. She also started kidnapping Emily's pink monkey that was a prized gift from her "old family." Thankfully Emily is gracious and would let her baby sister carry that thing around pretty often. Funny thing is that we bought Lucy the same type of stuffed animal but it was a dog and she loved it for approximately 1-2 days and I'm not sure she's ever cared about it again. I tried!
We worked as a family on some turkey-ish homework project for school. She wanted to make him a pirate turkey so we planned and each took a part.
Here's what we came up with. Yes, his peg leg is much longer than his other leg. The heart wants what it wants. There was no convincing her that it should be cut.
Lucy took looking like a little old lady to a new level. The sweater. The purse. The socks with her comfortable walking shoes.
Emily worked on her Christmas list for Santa as all the catalogs came streaming in this month. I figured it would help us to get to know her more and more by going through and having her show us toys she really likes. It was really good for her to be able to show us instead of trying to remember those random toys she had seen here and there. She was so proud of this list that every person to enter our home until sometime in January had to not only hear about it but see it and hear the description of each item. It had a back on it too. Poor, unsuspecting visitors. :) She even took it with her to see Santa in December.
Thanksgiving was fine.... we ate wonderful meals and spent time with family so that part was wonderful. I say it was fine because holidays are really hard for our big girl. I know her mind goes to other places and she has been known to sabotage a holiday or two and have a really bad day. So, it was fine. That night we started a new tradition with Cam's side of the family: Christmas movie watching. We watched Elf this year and snuggled. That was fun and I'm looking forward to doing it each year.
The girls were excited I'm pretty sure.
November in a nutshell... maybe I'll be willing to remember more of it next year.