That's how we spent most of our day today: drinking coffee and lounging in our pajamas. Happy New Year to us.
I love that she raises her eyebrows at the camera now. She is so aware, so alert. She constantly watches us and soaks everything in. I find that thought really humbling as I think about my parenting. I have been known to say some
fairly really inappropriate things from time to time. Ok, I really enjoy a good cuss word here and there. I say them in front of Lucy. I know she's tiny and she'll never remember it, but it's still not ok. It's more "not ok" because of what is in my heart when I'm doing that. I can't wait until she's bigger to be someone to look up to. I need to be the mom that God has built me to be and not a lazy version of myself. I'm not saying that I need to be perfect. I need to be intentional... don't get me wrong- I'm not saying that great parents can't cuss or say inappropriate things. I'm simply referring to the attitude of
my heart when
I am doing those things and other things I don't want Lucy to emulate.
I have been convicted of a lot lately. Things in my life need to change. I am praying that Jesus will transform me once again. It's time.
Well, we've been busy around here. We went on our first family hike, we went to Zoolights with a special friend, Lucy went to her 3rd parade (that's a lot when you're not even 4 months old yet), I got my awesome jogging stroller, and we've have some jammie days (see picture above). It's been a busy week!
We love North Mountain. It's the mountain I've hiked with my mom for years. It's a paved path and we all seem to love it. I'm just glad Cam was carrying Lucy. I'm not sure I would be very quick at getting to the top with her in the carrier.
Pre-hike nap |
During hike nap... she's on to something. |
We love Pita Jungle. We also love coffee.
Zoolights |
I am pretty sure I have a parade girl on my hands. Not all kids love parades. Some kids like them alright, some get bored, but then there are some that just adore them. I have a niece that is a true parade girl and always has been. My niece, Claire, loves to see all the horses, dogs, firetrucks, bands, and giant balloons. She has been trained by grandma (my mom) to yell for them to spin the floats. It's sort of embarrassing to be sitting with them sometimes. I must not truly be a parade girl. Well, here is my niece, Claire. She had to borrow an old fishing hat to keep the sun off her cute little face. It was sunburn weather at the Fiesta Bowl parade. Welcome to Arizona all you out-of-towners. Claire is simply adorable. I love her toothy smile. Here she is getting a picture with a camel. I'm not sure why there was a camel in the parade, but we'll just roll with it.

Lucy spent the first part of the parade napping and the second half she spent watching. She was learning how to be a parade girl. I think she has it down. She eats her shirt, throws her teether, and watches everything go by. Claire has taught her well.
Happy New Year.